IEEE Power & Energy Society Outreach in Brazil
The IEEE Power & Energy Society is a non-profit organization that provides information and education on the latest technological advances in the electric power industry. Their goal is to help improve society through education and professional development for future innovators of the power industry. Last week in Brazil, IEEE Power & Energy Society along with Brazilian university students visited elementary and high schools in the city of Sao Paulo to teach them about renewable energy using our Horizon Energy kits. During the class, the students were asked the importance of all types of energy, including food for your body and petroleum for busses. Then the students were asked questions on their prior knowledge of different types of renewable energy. For most of the students, their knowledge about renewable energy was very limited. Once the students, had completed their answer, IEEE Power & Energy Society presented the students with wind energy, solar, and hydrogen, and then given the opportunity to try out each kit on their own. Afterwards, the students were asked the same questions they were asked in the beginning of the class and the results were outstanding, with almost every student receiving 100%. IEEE Power & Energy Society believes that the hands-on approach to teaching students about renewable energy allowed for quicker retention and greater understanding.